PCounter for the College of Architecture Lubbock campus
PCounter is a system that is provided as a convenience to our students and faculty. It enables you to pre-load funds for purchasing printing and fabrication services and materials. We encourage you to make deposits as needed and to keep track of your balance. At the beginning of April, if you have not used all your funds, you may make a written request here to receive a refund of unused funds as long as the request is made before the 15th of May. Thereafter, the balance is non-refundable due to the existence of sunk-costs related to the services provided during the past academic year.
  TTU email address:  
If you receive an AVS error, make sure that the billing address and ZIP code entered match what is on file with the card issuer.

If you receive any other errors, please contact Architecture IT at architecture.it@ttu.edu before making another transaction.